My name is Will Parker and I am Host/Executive Producer of "The Chatteaux." After visiting a chatteaux in Paris, France I came back and decided to create "The Chatteaux," because I am very passionate about helping people. On this show I will be OBJECTIVE and HONEST in sharing with everyone my experiences and advice. We will start the show with topics concentrating on helping people with dating and relationships. I will fuse music and other forms of media to motivate and educate you so that hopefully you will have a STRONGER sense of SELF. Once we get the momentum going forward we will then expand into other topics TOGETHER. I am also open for new ideas and suggestions. Oops, I forgot to mention, pardon my manners but I am a GREAT LISTENER as well. If you ever have any questions don't be afraid or hesitate to ask. I hope you enjoy and I make a difference in your life. Chat with you soon.
(773) 835-0188
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