Life, Life, Life, so wonderful to be blessed with it. During our lifetime we go through ups and downs. We can be on Cloud 9 in happiness one moment and a simple email, text or phone call can throw a monkey wrench in our program, which immediately steals joy. Some allow these experiences to invite dis...... ease.... from worrying which causes stress. Others have found that worrying doesn't help or solve these unlikely experiences or situations, so they proceed forward or upward knowing that "This Too Will Pass"
Think about it, we've all been at very low points in our lives, but it passed. WE CAME UP!!! I believe we all could live happier and healthier lives, if we remind ourselves that "This Too Will Pass"
The quote "This Too Will Pass" if completely understood, would humble the arrogant and bring motivation and inspiration to the destitute. Some wealthy people become more wealthy while others lose it all. Some poor people remain poor while others prosper.
Let's go on from this day forward knowing that "This Too Will Pass"
Have A Wonderful Life!
GOD Bless Us ALL
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